Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Frugal Gift # 2 ~ Baby Sweaters

I love baby sweaters. A homemade sweater is even sweeter. The green sweater is one I made a while back and actually gave to a friend for her baby. After her daughter outgrew it she gave it back to me to use for my daughters.
This is one I knitted. There are some details on it that you can't see in the picture but it makes it one of my favorites. I have made several others to give away but I don't have pictures of them. Baby sweaters are pretty fast to make, don't take a lot of yarn so are very economical and have always in my experience been appreciated.
I found some links with patterns that you can go to for ideas and how too.

Have fun!


  1. Aww, you have such a sweet little girl! I really like the top picture!

  2. What an adorable girl! I would love to learn to make these. Maybe I can have Polly or Peggy teach me. :)

  3. I have loved your gift giving ideas. What great timing! I am going to try the one hour sweater for our baby Joseph. I can't wait!


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