Sunday, November 22, 2009

An easy yoke and a light load

"Come to Me,
all who are weary and heavy-laden,
and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you,
and learn from Me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart;
and You shall find rest for your souls.
For My yoke is easy,
and My load is light."
Matthew 11:28-30
Isn't that such an awesome promise? We have a tendency to get tired, worn out, burdened but God is inviting us to come to Him, don't worry about the problems, give them to Him and find rest. When we do things His way He says He will give us an easy yoke to wear, a light load to carry. He will teach us the right way. I want that way, Don't you?


  1. Thank you for the scripture. It is a good reminder to let go and let God. Its easy to get caught up in everyday life and become weary.


  2. I needed this scripture today. I am at a major low point in my life, weighted down with worry about finances, my children, an unsaved husband, the fact that I am unable to be the wife and mother I need to be because I am working (not by choice in the present, but forced to by bad choices I made in the past)the list goes on for days. Some things trivial, some things not. But I worry about them all. And I struggle with giving up my yoke for the Lord's. I am a worrier by nature. But I am trying for my sake and the sake of my family to do so.

    So thank you for your post today reminding me to let it go and trust in the Lord to see me through.

  3. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! I hope you have found strength from this verse!
    rchandler- I can relate as I also have a husband that is not following God. It is something that has certianly been a burden. What has helped me in that situation (in being concerned about his salvation as well as our children) is realizing that God loves them all so much more than I do. I love them deeply but His love goes far beyond mine. He is also a very mighty God. On my own I can't do anything about the situation so I need to learn to trust the One who can.

  4. What a great resource!


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If you have a question please feel free to ask and I will attempt to answer it (if I can!) as I have time.
