Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cafe' at home!

  This afternoon the boys and Megan were having fun playing restaurant up in our dining room and they were delighted when I told them we could still play restaurant for supper.

They had slid the big table to one end of the room and brought TV trays/tables up to have for Cafe' tables. Then they stuck a candle on each table.

  When I told them we could do this for supper the quickly set the tables with napkin wrapped silverware and straws in the glasses. Jonathan also got to work at making a menu while Aaron helped me make the supper.

 My parents stopped by to drop of and pick up some stuff and the boys begged them to join us for supper. They obliged which made our supper extra special. They got to share the big table while the rest of us sat in pairs at the little tables (Ken and I did get two slid together to accommodate our bigger plates).

  The boys carefully dished up the food and were the servers. Jonathan had also quickly made dessert with Grandma's help. We couldn't have a restaurant without dessert you know!
 A fun time was had by all. All the diners at the restaurant chatted together in a very friendly way. The servers took the middle table for themselves and had to eat last since they were busy serving.
Ken and I had a little "date" over by one wall. It was a fun change in routine. Something different in the middle of the winter. Having frugal fun like this works for me!


  1. What a lot of fun. Pretty cool mom and dad could join in to make it even more special!

  2. What a fun idea! I bet your children were thrilled. How exciting that your parents were able to join you. I am sure that made the whole thing even more special.

  3. That is fun. You have some very sweet boys. And you and Ken got to "go out on a date" on a Tuesday. ;)

  4. ~ Ken did mention that he would give the servers 17% gratuity but since the cost was free (which is what Jonathan had put on the menu) that didn't come up to much. :-)

    ~ We did have a fun time. Having Mom and Dad join us made it special and the kids love anything out of the ordinary.


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