Saturday, November 16, 2013

Frugal Fun

Insulating the chicken coop
I thought it would be fun to share some of the ways we have been frugal lately.....

~I mended quite a few pairs of jeans and other clothes too.

~We picked up a bunch of new books to read at the library. We were also able to donate a box of old books there which made me feel good and helped to clean out our house.

~Jonathan has been enjoying his robotics club. He had a meeting and a scrimmage this week and all of this is free to us because businesses sponsor the clubs. He is learning and having fun and that is pretty neat.

~One day we ran errands and were going to be out over lunch. I thought about packing a lunch but then remembered that Papa Murphy's pizza had given me coupons for free pizzas to give to my kids when we went on a tour their last winter. So the kids each got a free pizza and I bought one for just $3. It was a fun and pretty inexpensive treat.

~Ken and I enjoyed a date by going to a hockey game with complimentary tickets that Ken got for advertising his business at the game.

~I needed to get our piano tuned and after checking a bit found a tuner that was only charged around 1/2 of the price of the tuner that I had used before. This man was also really fun for the kids to have hear. More on that later. I was happy to save about $50!

~I needed new bobbins for my sewing machine and I remember that I might have some points that transferred into a gift card because I had liked/shared the store's facebook page and so when I went in I asked about that. I did end up having over $20 credit that they gave me on a gift card. That was more then enough to get bobbins. That was pretty fun!

~I cut my kid's hair (and need to do Ken's soon too).

Megan having fun doing some hammering
~We finished insulating the chicken shed with insulation that was given to us (from somebody who makes garage doors and was able to collect scraps from that) and covered up with old political signs. They have a pretty warm and cozy place now - and it was free!

~ We have made several meals in ways so that we could use up leftovers and not waste anything.

~ We have used scrap paper (such as junk mail that has a blank side or other paper that we get with a blank side) for drawing, working math problems, lists and so forth.

What frugal fun have you had lately?


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