Saturday, February 11, 2012

How to give without buying anything

     Lately in my quest to not buy anything I have been realizing more and more how very blessed we are. We are not lacking at all and it has made me think more about how I can maybe share some of our blessings with others.

  Because I am trying to stay out of stores I thought it would be fun to come up with a list of ways that we/you can give using what we have. Often gifts that are most appreciated or enjoyed are not something that comes from a store anyway.

 Here are some of my ideas and I would love to have you chime in and share your ideas too:
(many of these ideas do suppose that you have things on hand- just adjust to fit your circumstances)

  • Give a Smile! This is something that doesn't cost a thing and can be given out liberally. Smile at your family, when you go to church, as you look over at another driver while driving around town, smile at others at the library and more. A smile can truly brighten someone elses' day.
  • Offer a listening ear. There are so many times that people just want (and need) someone who will listen. This involves some time on our part but it is worthwhile. I have found people of all ages who need someone to listen to them, you just need to be aware of it (which I need to work at!). If you can't think of anyone to "give this gift" to than think about an older person that either lives alone or in a nursing home. They often like the gift of someone just willing to visit and listen.
  • Make a handmade gift using things that you already have on hand. I love to to this and if you can't think of any ideas along this line than feel free to browse through my posts on gifts.
  • Invite someone (or several someones) over to join you for a meal. I do this most at lunchtime and we don't serve anything fancy - often it is homemade soup- but it is a way we can try to encourage others and we are usually encouraged too.
  • Send a letter. This is simple to do but so very fun to receive in this era of very little personal mail.
  • Give hand-me-down clothes to someone that can use them.
  • Share a book that you have enjoyed with someone else.
  • Root a cutting from one of your plants and pot it to give to someone else. Plants are cheery and healthy and make great gifts!
  • Make a quilt or find any extra bedding you have and give it to someone that needs it (like a homeless shelter).
  • Give the gift of service- perhaps mending, housecleaning, yard work, laundry, gardening. etc.
  • Bake some bread or cookies and share them with someone.
  • Thin out your perennials and give the extras away.
  Giving is something that I really want to grow better at but I do know this- Whenever we do give we receive as great of blessing as the one you receives.

  I am looking forward to hearing your ideas of ways to give without shopping.


Jane Carlstrom said...

Nice post Abbi. Over the past week I've also been getting inspiration on writing a Valentine from Garden of Edits Blog

Each day Heather has been posting different ways to express love and affection with the written word.

I routinely read and enjoy her blog, she is an editor and shares way to garner inspiration to write as well as grammar and other wordy tips.

Melissa said...

Good ideas...thank you for sharing them - they were a gift in and of themselves.

Alla said...

Some really good ideas. I often would like to use ideas like these but can't think of any. Thanks for posting them. I have chosen you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Stop by my blog and see the details.

Miranda said...

Great post full of wonderful ideas. I think you could also add teaching someone how to do something they would like to learn... crochet, sewing, baking. I'm really enjoying your 'no spending' posts. So timely and helpful.

Stephanie said...

I love the idea about the plants. How cool! And they keep on growing, so you can keep on giving!


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