Monday, March 25, 2013

Frugally and Healthfully caring for our Skin, Hair and Teeth

    As the years have passed I have started to learn and try out more and more methods for natural body care. This has been a fun journey for me as I am able to use things that are healthy and natural and generally much cheaper too! They do require a little bit of work but it is very, very little and very infrequently (like making a batch of deodorant or lip balm) and actually the natural hair cleaning method saves me time each day.

 I thought it would be nice to collect the different things that I am doing all on one page so here they are:
I have been using homemade deodorant for two years now and I am completely happy with it! The link above goes to a recipe. This deodorant also doesn't cause pit stains the way some deodorants do.
I use baking soda and apple cider vinegar to care for my hair. I have done that for a couple years as well and I am so glad to not use shampoos anymore. As far as our children - Mara (13 years old) uses the same method I do and the younger ones rarely use anything but water on their hair. The boys' hair is very short and I had read for young children like Megan that products really aren't necessary. I think that it true as all of their hair looks clean and smells fine.
   For washing hands at the sink and the body in the shower I use bar soap. The reason being that the ingredients are more natural and their is no Sodium Laurel Sulfate which takes moisture out of the skin (and then causing you to have dry skin). My dream is to eventually make all of my own soap (and I do now have all the supplies on hand so I am making progress!) but for now if possible I get homemade soaps that others have made (I have been blessed to do reviews, win giveaways and have been able to barter for some local soaps - as unfortunately buying homemade soap is a little expensive - though I am a little willing to splurge in that area) or I buy bar soaps at the store.

I did also recently find a recipe for tooth powder which I think I might try next as we can harvest part of the ingredients from our own land. It is made from 3 parts oak bark powder (break up dried oak bark into small bits and grind finely. Strain out larger pieces. ), 1 part fennel seed powder, 1 part baking soda and 1 part cinnamon. That mixture is supposed to help with gum disease, weak gums, bleeding gums and mouth ulcers.
Diva Cup and Cloth Pads for Menstruation
I have used this for years now and I so like not having to create a lot of trash at that time of the month and being able to use things that don't have the possibility of creating life threatening health problems (like tampons). This also saves us a large chunk of money. 
Since I don't use soaps very often that have SLS in them anymore (unfortunately my dish soap does still have it as I can't seem to find a good natural substitute) I don't find myself needing much in the way of lotions but once and a while when I do I really like the lotion bars that we made ourselves. Our homemade lip balm has also worked very well.
 I think that is all the skin care products that I use as I don't use make-up or sun screen. Do any of the rest of you have any additional natural and frugal products that you use that you could tell us about?
I am linking this to the Homestead Barn Hop hosting by the Prairie Homestead and New Life on a Homestead


Rachel E. said...

I have considered using the cloth pads, but right now have so much laundry to do as it is.

I make my own deodorant and won't go back to anything store bought. As for my hair, I use the baking soda and vinegar approach as well. I am trying to get the rest of the family on board (husband).

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm wondering about your hair. After you clean it with baking soda and applecider vinegar are there knots? I have long hair and always use conditioner. Just wondering how it is for you and your thoughts. Thankyou!

Abbi said...

I used to always use conditioner as well as I have always had fairly long hair and I would get tangles as well. This method with baking soda and vinegar seems to actually work better for me for not having tangles than conditioner did. I very rarely have any problems. My daughters do however still struggle some with tangles so I think that hair type has a lot to do with it.

Melissa said...

I've used cloth pads in the past but they've worn out and I haven't replaced them - I really liked them as they were much more comfortable than store pads. I've tried the alternated brand to the Diva cup and never could get comfortable with it.

Have you tried Oil Cleansing for your face? I love it. I have very large pores and struggle with black heads and while it doesn't eliminate them completely - it helps a ton - plus my skin doesn't get as dried out. (I don't wear make up except on Sunday and then just a bit of foundation to even out my skin tone).

I tried Vinegar and Baking Soda and never quite liked it - I've recently read about using Castille Soap and plan to try it.

I also have plans to try my own deo soon.


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