That makes me think, "What sort of ground am I ?" Am I producing things that are useful, am I working and loving the saints around me? I hope so and I am going to continue to work toward that goal. What sort of ground are YOU?
Monday, July 30, 2007
Fertile Ground
That makes me think, "What sort of ground am I ?" Am I producing things that are useful, am I working and loving the saints around me? I hope so and I am going to continue to work toward that goal. What sort of ground are YOU?
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
One of my favorite sayings is "Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without." That hits on many areas of living that I find important.
"Use it up" reminds us that we shouldn't be wasteful. A big pet peeve of mine is parents loading kids plates up with food and then the kids eating maybe 1/4 of it. That is just training kids to be wasteful. Being wasteful costs us more money. I also like the idea of "Use it up" from the green standpoint, I don't like the idea of just adding more and more junk to landfills.
"Wear it out" makes me think about clothes. In our country clothes are so very easy to come by and fashion changes making us want to be constantly updating, I like the idea of actually wearing stuff out. We need to get out of the mentality of just buying things because they are cheap (not buying is even cheaper) and the thought that "I deserve something new". Some ideas for being able to wear clothes out. 1. Don't have to many. If you have just a limited number of shoes and clothes that you really like- it is easier to actually wear things out. 2. Get things that you really like and that follow a trend not a fad. You don't want to buy things that will be out of date already next year. 3.Remake things that you don't use as they are. With this you will need to be creative and be willing to just try. It is not really that hard.
"Make it do" There are times when I really want to replace something -yucky cookie sheets, a broom, a purse, a car etc. Then I ask myself: "Do I really need that or can I make do?" Usually (but not always) the answer is: "I can make do". You can save yourself a ton of money if you are willing to "Make it do".
"Do without" This area calls for some creative thinking. It can be a very fun hobby to do without if you get into it. Often times want you want might not be what you really need anyway, or you can use something else other than what you originally thought you needed. I recently needed a new swimsuit. I wanted one that was very covering and that I and my husband found attractive. Swimsuits of that nature were very expensive so instead of buying I used some old clothes that had been given to us and made my own instead. It worked better than buying anyway.
I enjoy challenging myself to "Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without" . I find it fun and my kids are learning to enjoy it too. I can be frugal and green and be a good steward with the money and earth that my great God has given to me.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Monarch Butterflies!
Did you know that Presidents Garfield, Truman, Ford, Reagan, Bush (the father) and Clinton were all lefties. McCain and Obama are also lefties.
What is your money attitude?
There are many different ways that people look at their financial status. Some people truly are wealthy, they know they are wealthy and they spend like they are wealthy. Some of them are content and some are not. It depends on their attitude. God has given us this verse that applies to them, "Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies all things for us to enjoy."1 Timothy 6;17 I have known others that though they are not wealthy, they have all that they need plus much more, they have money in the bank and are not in debt yet their attitude is "We are so poor, I wish we wouldn't have to worry about money so much." This sort of attitude does not glorify God who richly supplies us with things to enjoy. We need to be thankful. "In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thess. 5:18 There are others who though do not have much money still want more and more and more and so they go into major debt. 1 Timothy 6:8 says "And if we have food and covering, with these we shall be content." and also concerning debt read Proverbs 22:7 "The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower becomes the servants slave." There are others whose whole focus in life is to run after money. "Do not weary yourself to gain wealth, cease from your consideration of it. Proverbs 23:4.
I have been exceedingly blessed in my life. I was raised by parents who were (and continue to be) very, very thankful for all that God has given them. Though poor by the world's standards they felt rich. Two of my Dad's favorite songs were "We are so Blessed" and "Consider the lilies" both of which talked about how much God has given us and will take care of us. They are careful with the money God has given to them and are generous with others. Then I was incredibly blessed to find a man whom I married who also (thanks to good training from his parents) is very careful with his money and doesn't like to be a slave to debt. Though we aren't rich in money- we are rich because we have learned the secret of contentment. Though we need to live frugally we can enjoy it. I consider it a hobby- one that I would want to pursue even if we would become millionaires. I enjoy gardening and raising my own food, using things that I have instead of going and buying new, remodeling 2nd hand clothing to make them work for us, making homemade gifts, buying things when they are on sale, doing things ourselves instead of hiring somebody to do it for us. It is fun and I am RICH!
What is your attitude concerning money?
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Berries, Berries, Berries!
A Good Woman
This woman was many things. A wife, a mother, a craftswoman, a shopper, a cook, a money manager, a gardener, a humanitarian, an organizer, a seamstress, a business woman and a teacher. I am most of those things too so that makes this chapter interesting to me. I imagine if you are reading this that you also are able to relate to her is some way. The fact that she is all those things however does not do a lot to motivate me, it is how she does them that is motivating.
Notice concerning her role as a wife- She is called excellent. Why? I think that can be figured out by all the ways she worked to make her home happy and well organized and comfortable. She was trustworthy (Her husband didn't have to worry about her saying things behind his back that would cause others to think ill of him). It is in part because of her that he does well in his work and has "no lack of gain". She was always doing him good- never evil.
Other character traits that she had also help to motivate me in my life. She was a happy worker (no complaining here- she worked with delight), She is an early riser, She is caring, (she tries to make sure every person in her household is well taken care of), She plans ahead (no rash decisions), She is content, She is generous, She has strength and dignity (people will respect her because her life commands it), She is not a worrier, She is joyful, She is wise and kind, She is industrious and most importantly of all -She fears the Lord! Without the fear of the Lord, all the rest of it is useless. Everything put together equals a woman who can be mightily used by Him. Now that motivates me because that is what I want to be too! How does it motivate you?