Saturday, December 2, 2023
Visiting Grand Marais MN- video by Jonathan and Thomas
Saturday, November 25, 2023
So Many Things to be Thankful For
The other walkers: Aaron, Mara (with Ewan on her front), Thomas and Megan)
I didn't get any good pictures from Thanksgiving day but we were blessed with family and friends joining us at our place. 5 international students from the university joined us and that was a blessing. It was fun to introduce them to Thanksgiving as it is an American holiday.My seatmates. Some pretty fun ones that had lots of requests and questions. :-)As usual we had plenty of pie.
Mom, Dad and I.
We have a couple of kitties (that hopefully we can find a home for at least one of them). This one is so incredibly friendly and purrs away even when Malcolm picks him up like this.
A couple of weeks ago we had a Thanksgiving meal at church. That was fun. At it we were challenged to work together as a congregation to come of with 10,000 reasons that we are thankful (praising God). I normally write a list of things that I am thankful for everyday and have done that for 15 years or so. It has truly changed my life to do that. If you struggle with discontent or unhappiness in any way I highly recommend it. This challenge at church has caused me to put a lot more thought and effort into it -more than my normal 10 or so things per day. It has been such a blessing!
I don't believe that it is just for God's sake that He tells us over and over again to be thankful. It is so incredibly healing for us! Even if it did nothing for us, He deserves all the thanks we can give but I think when we start obeying Him and begin praying with thanksgiving the way He tells us to we will be blessed far beyond what we can imagine.
God gives us hundreds (thousands? millions?) of gifts every day and many of them we don't even notice. Instead we are busy thinking about our struggles, the hard things we face, the loneliness in our lives. When we start looking for those gifts instead and writing them down it fills you with such a great sense of overwhelming love - realizing just how much God cares for you. Taking the time to write them down can retrain your thinking. Romans 12:2 tells us to be transformed by the renewing of your mind" and I think obeying God in giving thanks is part of the way to do that.
Go beyond just being thankful for family, friends, a home, a job, enough to eat and a vehicle to drive. Start thinking about all the people in your life and then think about what about them makes you thankful for them. Start noticing the beautiful things God puts in your life whether it be a mushroom you chance upon out walking, a frozen puddle that has pretty ice designs, the bark on a tree. Start noticing and get specific in your thankfulness. Give thanks for specific interactions/conversations you are able to have. Notice the sounds around you and give thanks for the ears that can hear and the beauty of music, nature, breathing, etc. Think through the things in your life that have molded you into who you are today. Give thanks - even for those hard things. Once you get started writing down what you are thankful for and truly noticing things you will find it is pretty hard to stop.
I would love to hear if you practice this already and if you do what affect it has had on you. If you don't do it would you please, please try? I know you will be blessed.
Ewan isn't the only baby at church. We have been blessed with many new ones lately. Juliette was born the end of March and Juniper was born around a month ago and the rest in between. We are so blessed!
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Living Frugally 2023 version
Anybody that has been a reader of my blog for very long or knows me very well, knows that I am fairly passionate about living frugally. I admit I find it a pretty fun hobby - so possibly most people will find me strange but oh well. :-)
I think one of the biggest helps for me financially (after simply trusting God that He is going to provide - I will work and do my best and God will take care of the details) is to really get my mind wrapped around the fact to pretty much all of us have money and we MAKE A CHOICE what we do with it. Many are caught in some sort of debt trap and they don't feel like they have any choices, but pretty much everybody does at some time and we make many, many financial choices every single day. So live intentionally, prepare for the hard times (trouble with health, with cars, home repairs, etc) and make a priority to spend on the things that actually matter to you (after taking care of your financial commitments).
The things that matter to you - that is different for everybody. So the things I save money on totally may not work for you as perhaps your biggest joy in life is going to a coffee shop every single day. In my viewpoint that is a huge waste of money but I also am happier not drinking something ridiculously expensive out of a cup destined for the landfill and drinking something that isn't very good for me either. I will enjoy it on a very rare occasion - as I admit they do taste pretty good (well not the coffee actually - I am not a fan - but I love a good Chai) but not something regularly. It simply would not bring me joy. But I do love to travel. Our family went to Ireland in April, Colorado in July and other smaller trips as well. I also recently bought a ticket to go to Brazil in January, Lord Willing. That brings me joy. I am willing to make all sorts of other financial sacrifices to make that happen and I do that gladly. I also am very passionate about being debt free and so I have been attacking my mortgage and paying off just as much as I can early. That brings me joy (and I know, I'm weird).
Anyway, I have been talking with a bunch of people that have a little less money to work with just now and so I thought I would share some of the ways that I spend less money. I am going to divide them into categories and I will try to link to more information just as much as possible.
- I use a vinegar water solution to clean instead of glass cleaner.
- I mop using just water and sometimes a drop of essential oil.
- I don't use paper towels or any one use items for cleaning, instead I have a large collection of rags made from old t-shirts and towels.
- I don't shop very often (less than once a month- at times far less).
- When I do shop I almost only shop at a consignment store that I bring things to whenever we have things we don't need and then I earn store credit. So usually I shop for free.
- I say "yes" to hand-me-downs. If we aren't able to use them I can generally take them into the consignment store or pass them on to someone else.
- I challenge myself to be creative in my clothing combinations every so often and sometimes old clothes can feel very new when you combine them in a fun way.
- When I do play clothing my goal is to buy quality items that will last well. This is especially important to me in shoes. I generally just buy leather shoes and they can last for years and years.
- For tennis/hiking shoes (what I wear most days) I like Keens. They last time I needed a pair I bought some used ones in good condition off of Ebay for a pretty good price.
- I am really working to have clothes that are truly my style (I like ones in natural fabrics, often feminine, rustic or woodsy) - so no matter what fads come and go I can just stick with ones that I like how they look and feel.
- I enjoy having artwork on my walls that was created by family or friends.
- Much decoration in our home often is foraged from the woods or garden.
- Houseplants make pretty and healthy decorations. I have rarely bought one but I have a huge collection. That is largely because I work at a flower shop and can bring home ones that aren't looking healthy enough to sell and then work to bring them back to health. That plant doctoring actually consists of watering them occasionally and putting them by a window, nothing to fancy. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. If you have friends that love plants you can often get plant starts from them. That is another great way to have a houseful of plants cheaply.
- I like to make quilts from fabric scraps.
- Throw pillows are another thing that has been easy for me to make from things that I had on hand (old bed pillows can supply stuffing).
- I have found curtains very easy to make and if you look for fabric on sale you can do it pretty cheaply too.
- I like to have basket for gathering produce from the garden. They also make nice decor. I have found them cheaply at thrift stores or garage sales.
- This year and last year Megan has been going to college for free with something called PSEO (post secondary education opportunity) that is offered to Juniors and Seniors in Minnesota. She has been able to do it online through a Christian college in St. Paul. Lord willing, she will graduate with her associates degree this coming Spring at the same time she graduates from high school. We will have to pay about $1000 for her to take a couple of Bible classes this next semester as the college requires it for graduation and the state won't pay for that. I have heard of similar programs in some other states. If your child is interested in college this is a great way to do it.
- When homeschooling we stayed pretty frugal by using a lot of reusable books and using the library extensively.
- I try to do "Continuing Education" for my floral business by watching videos on Youtube. There are a lot on there that are well done and helpful. I am guessing this is true of many industries.
- We pretty much never go to the movie theater.
- I have watched some local plays by volunteering to be an usher and then you get to watch for free. We also sometimes pay for tickets at our community theater - that is worth it to me. And community theater is far less than ticket prices I have seen elsewhere and they do a fantastic job.
- We don't have cable or Netflix (or anything else that I pay for except internet). A lot of what we watch is off YouTube.
- For fun we enjoy making music together, playing games, ping-pong, reading, biking, camping and canoeing.
- Use what you have in abundance. Are you getting a lot of something from the garden? Where you gifted from somebody else's abundance? Did you find a great deal on something? Especially if it is something that will go bad - build your menu around it.
- Don't let food go to waste. Eat up those leftovers the next day for lunch. If it is more than you can eat before it goes bad - freeze some or share it with others if you can.
- I don't shop very often. I love to see how long we can eat from the pantry. This has been very helpful in keeping our grocery budget low.
- When you find good deals of something that will last for a while (in the freezer or on the shelf) stock up on it. Try to get enough that it will last until the next good sale. How much to get varies according to how much you eat it, how long it lasts and how good the deal is. A month or so ago a local store had Mac and Cheese boxes four for a dollar. I hadn't seen that sort of deal on that for a long time. I ended up getting 2 boxes of boxes (48 in all). It is a cheap quick meal that the kids like to make once and a while. Today we went to an Amish store in our area and they had jars of natural peanut butter marked at a dollar and then I looked and saw that you could get a flat of 12 for $9. That is a steal of a deal and so I now have 24 jars of peanut butter. It doesn't outdate for over a year and we should use that much in that time. I also found butter cheaper today than I had for a while ($2.99 a lb) so I got 24 pounds.
- I grow a garden (which I do not spend much money at all on (around $35 a year for seeds and that is pretty much it) and then we eat from the garden just as much as we can in the summer and fall. I also put up as much food as I can.
- I rarely got out to eat or buy premade food or drink.
- I make quite a few handmade gifts. Not as many at this season of life as I have done in the past but still quite a few. I pretty much always make them from things we have on hand whether it be from my craft/sewing closet or our kitchen cupboards. I have been blessed to be on the receiving end of many people cleaning out their craft supplies however so I have an abundance to work from. Pictured above is a miniature picnic that Megan and I put together for my niece, Lilly. Below is a wreath I made for my sister Keren.
- I do sometimes find things at second hand stores or garage sales that are new or basically look new and I will gift them at times.
- I wrote a post a while back on saving money on gifts that has more thoughts, ideas and details.
- Our Christian radio station in town has something called "Shopping on the radio" that offers gift cards to local businesses at a discount. I will sometimes buy those and either just use them as gifts or use them to buy gifts. It also supports the radio station in the process.
- I make it a habit to drink plenty of water each day. It is tap water (when at home that means well water) so it is free.
- I do a lymph massage every morning.
- I drink warm vinegar water every morning. (2 tablespoons raw organic apple cider vinegar in 16 ounces of warm water).
- I try to do some activity/exercising outside at least 5 days a week.
- I eat a lot of whole grains, vegetables and unprocessed natural foods. I limit my use of sugar.
- I rarely have caffeine.
- I try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a day.
- I don't have a gym membership instead I enjoy working hard, biking, walking, etc that I can do for free.
- I try to spend time stretching at least 5 times a week.
- A couple of years ago we switched from having a partially government subsidized health insurance to instead using Samaritan's Ministries which is a Christian Health Care Sharing program. That ended up saving me over $200 a month and my deductible went from $6,000 to $450 which is quite significant. Though none of us have needed to go to the doctor during the time we have been using it (praise God!) and so I can't give you first hand account of how well it actually works I have heard from others that it does work well when you have a need. I know that personally I really, really enjoy getting to send my monthly checks (11 months of the year I send them directly to another believer who has a medical expense) to someone whom I can learn a little about and pray for as well. If you should decide to check them out and join would you please say that Abbi Cobb referred you? That will take a little off my expense for the next month if you do.
- Really sit down and talk with your insurance agent and make sure that you have the coverage you actually need and want. I was able to get rid of some redundant coverage this year that saved me $34 a month. Not a lot but over time it adds up.
- I make our own laundry soap
- I don't use either fabric softener or dryer sheets. (This not only saves me money but has made it so I have less headaches as well - I used to love the smell but after removing most unnatural scents from my life I have less headaches - I never knew that they were associated before.)
Personal Products
- I only use shampoo about once a week (I do shower daily but I have found it is better for my scalp, hair and pocketbook to shampoo less). I did have to get to that gradually but your body will stop producing so much grease if you don't strip the oils so often.
- I use a menstrual cup.
- I buy toilet paper in bulk from a local paper supply company.
- I make my own deodorant most of the time (and I like it better than what I have bought when I run out of time to make it).
- I make my own lotion bars.
- I use a tracphone instead of having a plan I have to pay for every month. That has worked pretty well for me. I spend around $150 a year for having a smart phone.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
The Fruit of the Spirit is.......Faithfulness
Saturday, October 28, 2023
A Good Harvest
After a two year break I had bees again this year. I had taken a break for a few reasons: 1. I still had enough honey from previous years. 2. My life got a lot busier when I had to go to work following Ken leaving and this was something I could skip. 3. In 2020 when I last kept bees I got stung near the end of the season and reacted to it much more strongly than I ever had before. I was stung on the ear (through the netting that had gotten to close to my ear) and both ears immediately started throbbing, my neck (but not my throat) and arms swelled up and I broke out into hives. It was a little scary. Since then I have taken a homeopathic treatment that is supposed to have cured my honey bee allergy but it hasn't been tested to I don't know if it worked or not. I also have a lot less stress in my life then I did that Fall (as my marriage was falling apart at the time) and I think that my body was quite possibly simply overloaded when the sting happened. Anyway I decided to try again but I have been careful and I didn't work with them unless I had somebody around that could drive me to the emergency room if necessary.
Flowers are an important part of my gardening (and my life). I don't actually harvest these to store away for winter except in pictures. :-) Someone said once that being able to have flowers in every room of their house was a sign of wealth. I totally agree. I feel like I have "arrived" when I can enjoy flowers all over my home. I love being able to get them out of the garden to decorate. I am also super blessed because with my business I end up with extra flowers and with working part time at the flower shop I also can bring old (no longer sellable) flowers home and decorate my home with them. It gives me joy and I feel incredibly blessed. By the way I am curious about that- I have come to realize that not all people have the obsession with flowers that I have, some people will even say "No Thank You" when you offer them a bouquet - are you the type the loves them and find they give you joy or are they something that don't really stir any emotion in you?
I love canning tomatoes - they are so quick and easy. I canned quite a bit from my garden and then a neighbor also shared these lovely ones with me.
Carrots that I got to dig from a friends garden. I love getting to dig carrots and potatoes and things like that! It feels like looking for treasure.
I have enjoyed harvesting wild mushrooms from our yard this year - such as this gemmed puffball.
One evening every burner was busy as I canned applesauce, cooked down goat bones, made tomato jam and salsa and blanched broccoli. I ended up canning quite a bit of broth and some soup too. I helped my parents with butchering a little and they blessed me with some meat. This year is a little sad as my parents got rid of all their goats. They have had goats since before I was born so this is a real change for them.
Thanks to my parents prolific apple trees I was able to dehydrate a lot of apples. They are a yummy snack. I love how efficient my current dehydrator is. I also canned apple pie filling and applesauce.
Today I made Kimchee. I think it is going to be a yummy (and good for you) batch and I am excited about it. I am thinking maybe I should make another batch.
The freezers are full and the pantry shelves look lovely too. I am so thankful for God's many blessings. We got our first hard freeze last night so it is time to move on to the next season. I am looking forward to some sewing/crafting.
Did you harvest anything at your house? What is a favorite thing for you to harvest?
Saturday, October 21, 2023
Jackpine Retreat 2023

These pictures look like we had a sparsely populated campsite but actually we fed around 30 people at our campsite. There was a total of around 130 at Jackpine.
Times of singing together are one of my favorite things. Kate, a student from Russia, commented that it sounded like many of the people had been professionally trained. They aren't but most of us love to sing praises to God and I guess that shows.
I got to teach the kids class on Saturday morning. Billy who was doing the messages was talking about Loving God and others (among other things) so I decided to tell the story of the Good Samaritan. We decided to "take" the journey from Jerusalem to Jericho. The 30+ kids lined up to go on the road. I had arranged with a couple of older kids to hide along the route and then jump out and "attack" another of the older kids that I had positioned to be first in line and then run off with her stuff. That was a very effective story telling aid except Malcolm burst into tears and went running after "the robbers" trying to defend Nettie. Overall we had a lot of fun with the class and I was very grateful for the moms that were willing to come along and help out.
Planning for next year...
Ewan at 3 months was camping for the 2nd time. The students helped out with holding him.
Ricardo from Columbia tried out spool walking and did a good job.
Jackpine is a place we like to go to spend time with old friends and make new ones as well. It is the time each year when the highest percentage of my closest friends get together. It is such a blessing to spend time with others who passionately serve Jesus Christ and follow His word to the best of their ability. It is not a group of perfect individuals but imperfect ones who know and seek to be like the One who is perfect.
My whole family was able to be there for at least part of the time (my parents don't camp anymore but they come up for part of Saturday). 37 in all.
Introducing the students to the rocker.
Game playing is a fun part of Jackpine too.
I was excited to meet Dj's new wife, Talia. Speaking of DJ (one of my boys longtime friends) one of my fun memories of Jackpine this year was seeing him with a bunch of boys in the 5-8 year old range walking around. I asked "What are you guys doing?" and I don't remember exactly how it was worded but they told me that they were just walking around and talking about God and the Bible and stuff. From conversations that I have had in the past with DJ I know that he follows God passionately and I just think it is so cool that he would take the time to walk and talk with a bunch of little boys and encourage them to follow God passionately too.
This boy loves Jackpine and the freedom to roam from camp to camp and have lots of friends to play with. And even though it is chilly, run barefoot if you so desire.
Megan and Ewan.
Aaron's girlfriend, Harper, drove up all the way from college in Nebraska to come. I enjoyed getting to know her a little better. Travis asked her and Aaron to sing a special and they sounded beautiful together.
Ewan and I. Ewan is wearing a hat made by his mom and a sweater that I made for Malcolm but that fit Ewan for Jackpine this year. I look like I didn't get enough sleep and that is true. Saturday night was a pretty chilly one. I think many of us didn't sleep the best.
Travis amused me by not only holding Ewan all through leading songs but also doing the actions for at least a couple of songs. I don't think I know anybody else that loves babies quite as much as Travis.
Billy Wallace shared the messages and they were encouraging and had a lot of food for thought.
Church is generally held around a big campfire. The younger ones are usually closer to the middle. :-) In all my years of going I don't know of any bad burns that have happened.
Saturday, October 7, 2023
Beautiful and Fun Things to See in Ireland
We were very blessed to be able to hang out at the Tuttles (the missionary family) home many times while we were there. It is a beautiful home on the banks of the Owenriff River in Oughterard. They are renting it and are very thankful to have found that home as it is very hard to find places to live there. The photo below is from one of their balconies.
Mara and Malcolm walking near the Tuttle's.
A bunch of us actually went out on a walk in their neighborhood. We crossed over the river on a little footbridge and then came back on a bridge that cars drive on as well.
This bridge is in a little park that we stopped at on our walk. It actually is directly across the river from their house.
Mara and Jess out behind their house.
Primroses grew wild. So pretty!
Thomas in their backyard.
We went on a hike to see Galway Wind Park and the views that we could get up on the hills.
The forest was so cool and super soft with moss.
Jonathan and the wind farm.
This was what a lot of the landscape looked like when we were there in April. Very rugged and rocky.
We explored around Lough Corrib some one day. It was a very pretty lake. Super windy too.
Nick and Jess Tuttle
The cemetery behind the Anglican Church in Oughterard was very pretty and interesting.
The boys were trying to stay dry.
Aughnanure Castle in Oughterard. This was a very lovely place!
The toilet.
Malcolm and I by one of the fireplaces.
A more private toilet and a place where prisoners were kept down below the grating.
Aaron, prepared to defend the castle.
There were some fancy details on the stone work.
I loved this place!
We saw wild horses.
Sheep are everywhere in Ireland. Most of them have some sort of paint on them.
The basket making place was super cool.
I always love pottery too.
In Galway City we checked out a bunch of Thrift stores. That was interesting. Jonathan wasn't a huge fan but he is a good sport.
This thrift store was selling by weight on this day. Malcolm really wanted the balloon.
We saw entrances like this at several shops. I thought it was very pretty.
A music and art store was fun to explore.
This is a fun shopping area in Galway City.
Kings Head Pub - this building is over 800 years old.
The icecream shop and Megan!
All the wool sweaters were beautiful!
The Spanish Arches in Galway City.
Heather was growing many places.
Blake took us to explore the University in Galway City where he is attending. It was a beautiful campus.
The Galway Cathedral is quite beautiful.
Malcolm loved the pigeons in Galway.
We went to see the Cliffs of Moher. There were pretty views on the way too.
Jonathan heading off to take more videos.
Malcolm and Thomas.
Hiking up to see the Cliffs of Moher. We were really grateful that Blake told us about an alternative parking area to see the cliffs. The main parking area charged 12 euros per adult. Where we went it was 5-7 euros per car for parking.
We went on a great day that was sunny and not to windy. It was beautiful!
We totally just enjoyed exploring, checking out each new view from a different vantage point and truly enjoying God's creation!
Naturally there would be part of a castle here too. :-)
Malcolm and I took the hike back to the care together. We were ahead of the others and had plenty of time to stop and pick up rocks and throw them in every puddle we passed.
We took the long way "home" and went down to see the town of Lahinch which was on the coast.
And then we drove back up to Kinvarra and saw Dunguaire castle on the outside. I found it very beautiful.
We were able to walk around the castle.
There was a very large and cool Thatched roof hotel in Kinvarra.
I found these unique little signs all over and was puzzled by them. I think from my attempt at research that the SV stands for "stop valve" but unfortunately I am still puzzled.
Some of the sheep very near our cottage.
Aaron, Malcolm and I went on an adventure one morning near our cottage. We found a mountain bike trail and explored it. I loved the look of the little farm above.
Views from our hike.
Aaron and Malcolm decided to slide through a culvert.
The "Quiet Man" bridge. It was made famous in the movie "The Quiet Man". We had to cross it every time we came and went from our AirBnB as it was part of the little road that it was on.
Family pictures by the Fjord. It was a little chilly but pretty!
The Tuttles there too.
We had a picnic there. We were going to do it on the beach but decided it was just too windy down there so we had a tailgate party instead. Malcolm was happy to have his own bag of chips.
Kylemore Abbey
I thought I should have a picture of Abbi in front of an Abbey.
In Clifden I was very excited to find out there was a music festival going on. I totally enjoyed listening to the traditional Irish music. It is so fun!
Jonathan and Malcolm listening to music.
I don't know the name of this castle but it is pretty cool looking. We saw it from Sky Drive in between Clifden and Recess.
On Sunday afternoon when we were headed to Dublin we stopped in a little town and had Megan's Birthday cake in the green (a place were they used to have markets and sell there stuff many years ago). I think it may have been Kilbeggan or Kinnegad.
We explore a neat cemetery surrounding a church building that was next to the green.
At the Harcourt Hotel on Sunday night.
The caretakers cottage in St. Stephen's Green in Dublin.
St. Stephen's Green was a beautiful place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Walking around in Dublin.
Dublin Castle.
At the Chester Beatty Museum (which was free). Some 3rd century parchments from the Bible. Super cool!
At the Chester Beatty
I think this was Dublin Castle again.
Christ Church Cathedral.
It was huge - it even went over a main road.
River Liffey and Mara.
The Round Tower and the museum (also free) next to it.
Some poor Irish peasents.
A cute Malcolm.
Building a tower.
Enjoying the garden by the tower.
After that we headed to the Airport, then to Holland (just the airport) and home again.