~ I had fun watching Keren, Luke and Mara reading the comics on Sunday before lunch. I guess they must have been pretty interesting!
~I have been enjoying and treasuring Megan calling me Mama. That is my favorite title but it seems like every child outgrows that and calls me Mom or Mommy instead. Megan does a mixture and so I especially enjoy the times she says Mama.
~I enjoy the chuckle I get when I see that Ken has added another nonsensical item to my grocery list. Currently it is "homogenized moosetraps" but whenever I stick a new list on the fridge I get a new item to go "looking" for.
~My boys have been back at their bow and arrow making again. The days have been getting warmer and they have been enjoying playing outside more. They always enjoy getting their picture taken with their new creations.
~We have been loving all the sunshine. I am also thank-ful for my many big windows that let the light and warmth in.
~ There has been some major crafting going on at our house lately. At church Emily and I have been teaching a class on the Armor of God on Wed. nights.(I plan on doing a whole post on it sometime) We made sandals this past week and then they started making slippers at home. (I'll post more about that later too.) In the picture above Jonathan and Megan were showing off their new slippers and it cracked me up when Jonathan was getting down to Megan's level and she had to squat too.
~Megan has been wanting to take pictures and she with a little help from me captured this cheerful one of Mara. Mara has been such a super big helper lately. She has started getting up early on her own mostly to read as much as possible before breakfast, chores and schoolwork BUT she has also been offering to help me whenever I need it. She is also quick to give a hug if she thinks I might be feeling stressed or sad. I feel so blessed to have her as my daughter.
~Another lovely little thing that I have been enjoying lately is watching the delight my kids have in small things like honey on bread or biscuits or brown rice with cinnamon, sugar, raisins and milk. Even though these are fairly normal snacks and not something most people would get all excited over, they do, every time! We do eat sweets fairly regularly but when I make them (which is what they get at our house) they tend to be pretty healthy. This past week I made a chocolate cake with less than one cup of sugar, all whole wheat flour, very little oil and 2 cups of squash. It was a little interesting, you could definitely detect a squash flavor. Ken was a little sceptical but the kids loved it. They would have gobbled it all up in one sitting if I had let them.
What lovely little things have been going on at your house?
I really enjoyed reading this post Abbi, it was also really fun to see all the new pictures of the kids.
Mara's hair is growing!
lovely post. Your children so sweet.
Aw, what are we going to do when we don't have 2 year old's around any more? I have been loving the letters we get from Mara. That is so sweet that she is being more observant of the needs of those around her! I like your picture of the threesome reading the comics! I sure miss all of you! The picture of Jonathan and Megan is so sweet! made me laugh I could just see what was happening there!
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