Hospitality is something I have appreciated many, many times in my life when it has been offered to me and I have also enjoyed offering it to others. It is something that I have done many times but still have lots of room for improvement in. With our building of a new house I thought it would be a perfect time to think about hospitality. I hope and pray that we can be hospitable in this new house in a way that truly Glorifies our Father in heaven!
Today I thought I would address the issue of WHY we should be hospitable. There are several reasons that I do it -
- It is fun!
- I can get to know people better. I really truly think that sharing a meal with someone or going into someone else's home truly helps a friendship go just a little deeper.
- It can give me opportunities to share Christ with others.
- It is a way that I can serve.
- I get to spend more time with friends and family.
- The Bible tells me too.
This verse is pretty direct:
"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." Hebrews 13:5
How cool of a thought is that? Pretty cool if you ask me to think about having an angel in my home!
"Show hospitality to one another without grumbling." 1 Peter 4:9
I think it should be a fun thing not a stressful - once a year because I should- sort of event.
"Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality." Romans 12:13
This is something that we want to do.
"Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?" Matthew 25:34-46
The subject of hospitality even comes up at the judgement. It makes me think it is pretty important.
"You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God." Leviticus 19:34
It was required in the Old Testament.
That is not nearly all of the verses that speak of hospitality and how we should practice it. This is pretty important I think.
Some of the topics I hope to address are:
- How to be hospitable on a tight budget.
- What if my spouse doesn't like having company?
- What if my home isn't perfect?
- What will we do while they are here?
- Dealing with dietary restrictions.
- Encouraging others through hospitality.
- Fun ways to decorate if you have time.
- And much more.
I am looking forward to sharing with you what I have seen done that works well, things I have tried, mistakes I have made, a ideas that I have found. I am writing these to help me learn and challenge me as well as hopefully encouraging and challenging you.
What inspires you to be hospitable?
Doing you have any topics that you think should be addressed on the issue of hospitality?
I am very much looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this subject.
I am SO excited for this series!
Each January this goes on our list of family goals and each year I feel that we fail to do this enough. I am excited to read your ideas. Thank you!
I definitely need to read this series! I struggle with having people over! Especially when the number gets larger than 2 or 4.
I really enjoyed this post. I love being hospitable because, not only are we commanded to show hospitality to others, like you I appreciate it when others are hospitable to me.
Have a great weekend!
I would love to hear more about how to avoid stress while being hospitable. I am really prone to having stress over it. I was raised in a home where we were not hospitable very much at all. I only remember maybe 3 times ever and it was very stressful, so I start feeling that again when I have people over. I also struggle with having people over because usually its 4-6 extra people and our house is small and once we stretch out the table and add another table as well it gets quite cramped! I also find myself feeling embarassed over what we have (meaning that I think I should have more but I know this is not a Biblical thought at all.) There are also many countries where people have much less than I do and are very gracious hosts. The only thing I ever found to really help me was to make a crockpot meal.
I am really looking forward to reading this series. I love having people over and entertaining but usually only throw a few parties a year, mainly because we live in a very modest home size wise. Thank you for writing this. Take care!
Thanks to all of you for sharing your excitement concerning this topic. I think it will be so much fun to discuss it more with you throughout the coming months.
Thanks also for giving me an idea of what is fun and what is challenging for you all! It will be fun to address those issues.
God Bless!
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