Saturday, February 25, 2023

Cleaning and Decluttering - A Fun Saturday Activity

   I was blessed to get to stay home all day today! A friend came over for a little while this morning which was really fun but after that I had nothing scheduled for the day. I really enjoy having days like that once in a while. It doesn't mean that I don't have plenty to do but I am not on a tight time frame and I enjoy that luxury to kind of randomly work through my to-do list as I feel motivated. Today's main project was to work on going through, cleaning and organizing our storage room. It had gotten a bit disheveled and cluttered. Also there were boxes that I wasn't exactly sure what was in them. I was able to get a handle on exactly what was in there and I am really happy about that. I was also able to get rid of quite a few things that we didn't need and that always makes me happy. 

 We no longer have anything sitting in the middle of things. We have extra space on the shelves, things are grouped together better according to how I use them (Ice skating, my wedding business, camping, skiing, etc) and we were able to clean out another cupboard in the main room where we are going to only put things that we are fine with our AirBnB guests using. 
All in all it was a very satisfying Saturday project.

  One of my life goals is to only have things that we find beautiful or useful and to be aware of what we do have so that we can use it or give it to others to use. Things just left in storage somewhere do not generally improve with storage. The majority of them decay in some way over time. I think if God has blessed us in some way with things we should do our best to use them well or give them to others. Being aware of what you do have can really help in preventing of buying new things and henceforth wasting money.

 Obviously looking at my storage room you can tell that I am not a minimalist but I really like a lot of the concepts that they talk about. I firmly believe that having too much stuff will cause you to waste money - between buying it in the first place and then having so much that you can't find what you do have when you need it and then you just buy it (or something like it) again.

   When I clean out a place like this the other take-away I have is to feel extremely grateful. God has blessed us with so very, very much which is evidenced by all the things in my storage room. Not only do I have enough things for me but I have enough to share with others. 

  How do you like to use a Saturday at home?

1 comment:

storyworld said...

Cleaning/ organizing is a great way to spend a Saturday! I am still in the process of cleaning my space - but you are an inspiration! (And I appreciate how you have ALWAYS pointed the Father in your blog.)


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