Sunday, September 21, 2008

A few of the ways God has blessed us lately

God blesses us all of the time but I thought I would share a few ways He has blessed us lately.
  • A bunch of visitors at church this morning (some new and some returning). They seem pretty interested and I am so excited to see them learn and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Lots and lots of apples! And some beautiful children to help me get them picked and taken care of.
  • Pumpkins and cantaloupe from friends. We have really been enjoying the cantaloupe. I can't believe how much the youngest 3 can eat!!
  • A long row of lilacs in my yard! We were able to transplant them from the abundance that an older friend had. I also got a mega case of poison ivy in the process but that is helping me learn self-control. :-)
  • A good turnout and plenty of food at the Republican Chili feed on Friday. I had been in charge of organizing volunteers to bring food and so I was able to breath a sigh of relief when we had plenty of food and everything went well.
  • A bunch of kids in my Sunday school class this morning. Sometimes it can be pretty small and this morning there were over 20. It was a little crazy but fun.
  • Getting to have a lot of fun creating something with my sons for my daughters up coming birthday. We have been having a blast creating using things that we have on hand. I can't wait to share it with you all but I will have too for another week.
  • A great family and lots of good friends.
  • And most of all a God who loves me even when I make mistakes and am not very lovable!

How has God blessed you lately?

1 comment:

All in a Day said...

Was Shelly H. one of your visitors?


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