Margaret and Malcolm Hanging out |
Last weekend my sister Anna and some of her family traveled up to visit. They stayed with my parents and we enjoyed a couple of days of hanging out over there. One day was filled with butchering but that is okay, it provided meat for our freezers and we had wonderful visiting times while we worked.
I wasn't the greatest picture taker while they are here and I realize now that I didn't get any pictures of Anna or Travis but I do have some of their children. The picture above is in my childhood home and it was on Friday night when we were just relaxing after supper. I am so thankful to be part of a large family who loves to spend time together.
It says it is for ages 8 and up and for 2-6 players. It takes around 30 minutes to play.
The games is based on the verse Acts 1:8 "Jesus said, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
In the game you take a mission card which tells you where you will need to go and what supplies you will need for this mission. Through a series of laying tiles, moving your piece, collecting supplies and sometimes losing them because of a catastrophe you work on making it to your destination.
We found it to be a quite fun game. Not to complicated but not so simple that it was childish either. I think this game will be added to our frequently played list.
This game isn't filled with Bible learning or any major educational aspects but I like that they whole idea behind it is godly and pure and it plants to idea of being missionaries that tell others about Jesus.
Bible Games Central has a whole collection of games that you can buy as well as many, many game ideas that are free. It is a really neat resource.
If you would like neat present for your family you might check out "Mission: Ends of the Earth" or any of the other neat games that they have for sale there. You can get 20% off storewide with the coupon code GAMES20. That is good through December 10, 2021.
Whether you play the game or not I hope that you will spread God's love and truth wherever you go!
Speaking of going... Aaron, Megan, Mara, Malcolm and I are about to head off on a trip. Down to see Anna again today so that she can take us to the airport to fly to somewhere. Hopefully I will be posting about another adventure soon. It is my prayer that I can share God's love with others on this trip.
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