Egg cartons are a pretty common item in most households I think. Rather than just tossing them perhaps you could use them for something else.....
You could.....
-Put eggs in them again. We do this a lot as we have our own ducks and chickens that produce eggs (though we still seem to end up with an abundance of cartons - I don't know why). If you buy eggs from a farmer they quite likely would appreciate the cartons back so they could re-fill them again.
-Use them for fire starter. They work quite well.
-Make temporary chick feeders with them. I guess I don't have any pictures of how we fixed it up but we just used the compartments to put the feed in , cut off the lid but then glued a piece of Styrofoam kind of on top (but not completely - so they could still eat) that would prevent them from sitting in the food. We have a few baby chicks at our place now - Aaron bought 3 chicks last week when we were out and about. He hopes to enter them in 4-H which is why we needed some new ones.

-Use them to make flowers for May Day baskets or any Spring decoration.
-Make beautiful daffodils
-Beautiful Roses
-A veterans day wreath.
- Make a doll house toilet bowl from styrafoam egg cartons. We have fun making a whole Barbie house from trash quite a few years back. It was a great project.
-Cute little egg carton Chickens (written in another language but the pictures are good enough to follow without words.
-Adorable little whales.
-Very cute and rather intricate hedgehogs made from egg cartons.
-A very sweet Panda
-Make some busy bees.
-A fun 3-D tea cup card.
-Use them for young children to do sorting in.
-Use them for paint palettes.
-Make a bunny nose mask.
-Make a chicken mask or various other animal nose masks.
What do you do with your old egg cartons?
You could.....
-Put eggs in them again. We do this a lot as we have our own ducks and chickens that produce eggs (though we still seem to end up with an abundance of cartons - I don't know why). If you buy eggs from a farmer they quite likely would appreciate the cartons back so they could re-fill them again.
-Use them for fire starter. They work quite well.
-Make temporary chick feeders with them. I guess I don't have any pictures of how we fixed it up but we just used the compartments to put the feed in , cut off the lid but then glued a piece of Styrofoam kind of on top (but not completely - so they could still eat) that would prevent them from sitting in the food. We have a few baby chicks at our place now - Aaron bought 3 chicks last week when we were out and about. He hopes to enter them in 4-H which is why we needed some new ones.
-Use them to make flowers for May Day baskets or any Spring decoration.
-Make beautiful daffodils
-Beautiful Roses
-A veterans day wreath.
- Make faux cotton stems for decoration.
-Use an egg carton to play Mancala (use beans as your pieces).
-Cute little egg carton Chickens (written in another language but the pictures are good enough to follow without words.
-Adorable little whales.
-Very cute and rather intricate hedgehogs made from egg cartons.
-A very sweet Panda
-Make some busy bees.
-A fun 3-D tea cup card.
-Use them for young children to do sorting in.
-Use them for paint palettes.
-Make a bunny nose mask.
-Make a chicken mask or various other animal nose masks.
What do you do with your old egg cartons?
Really cute ideas Abbi! The little doll commode is so unique and creative! I appreciate that especially because my girls would make dollhouse furniture when they were little. : )
Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Amelia! I hope you are doing well!
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