Saturday, July 20, 2013

Enjoying spending time in the Garden

  I used Grammarly to grammar check this post because I would rather be working in my garden than proofreading my posts!

 This month has been pretty busy, and I haven't had the time just to work in the garden the way I would have liked. I have needed to fly in and out pretty quickly just picking the things that we need for us to eat. I have been so thankful that is has kept producing even with my neglect, but I really wanted to be able to spend some time out there too.

   This week finally I have been able to spend a bit of time working in the garden. It has been pretty hot and, the mosquitoes have been biting, but it was so nice and fun to get a little work done out there.

  It is fun to admire how fast some of the plants are growing (and boy are the weeds ever growing fast too!). I also enjoy just spending time enjoying the beauty of the garden. The way the cabbage looks so elegant, the beautiful flowers on the beans  (we are especially enjoying the Scarlet runner bean which has bright red flowers and is a new variety for us), the flowers that are blooming, the cute featheriness of the carrots. Good made so many varieties of plants it is fun to spend a little time looking at them. I also enjoy the smell that the herbs make when I brush against them.
   Our garden isn't perfect this year (it isn't any year), we are dealing with gophers that have chewed the root off of over half of my brassicas, we have plenty of weeds, some bugs too and some things never came up, but through it all we are truly blessed.

  We have eaten many a salad from the garden already as well as some cooked greens. We have yet the promise of much more coming from our garden. The tomatoes look as if they will bear heavily. The melons look nicer this year than they often do. The corn is growing very nicely. I need to go harvest herbs tomorrow morning to start them drying. I think we might have more beans than we know what to do with. God has given to us abundantly yet again.
I know not everybody likes to garden, but the work and effort that go into a garden are totally worth it for me. The garden provides a lot of good food for our family and gives me opportunities to see God at work!

How is your garden growing? Have you been harvesting from it? I would love to hear from you!


The Heart Of A Woman said...

It looks beautiful! I don't have a garden. I wish I was able to grow things. I tend to kill simple plants.

Lydia said...

It is very rewarding to work in your garden! Even if everything doesn't do as well as hoped, still way cheaper and better than buying at the grocery store.

I am waiting on my tomatoes to ripen. My husband reminded me that it is ok that they are still green. I tend to get a little impatient!

Carmen N said...

Ours is surviving despite the lack of rain and high temps recently. It's supposed to be cooler this weekend and we got over 1/2" of rain this weekend, so I'm optimistic. I wrote about our garden here: (post is a couple days old)


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