"Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" Ephesians 5:20
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Is that your life, saying "Thank you"? Do you really give thinks for everything? Do you truly do it in every circumstance?
I have long thought being thankful was a very important part of my life. I have for quite a lot of years kept a prayer journal and in that journal I start out my prayer time with praise of God followed directly by a list of things that I am thankful for. So yes I am thankful, but I still have a long ways to go to get to the point of naturally thanking God for everything and in every single circumstance. Well, the more I practice at it the better I will learn to be!

I had heard of Ann's book "One Thousand Gifts ~ A dare to live fully right where you are" and have wanted to read it and so I was delighted when I was contacted recently wondering if I would like to review it (and host a giveaway of it!). I said "Yes, Yes, Yes!".
The book did not disappoint me. Ann has a wonderful writing style and a wonderful message. She shares the story of a trouble childhood and struggles even in adulthood and the healing that comes when you learn to thank God even in the midst of troubles.
She shares how gratitude can help us to have right priorities/focus in our life. She shares how important it is if we want true communion with God to give thanks for what He has given us. She writes about this in a way that I have not heard before but that makes perfect sense.
She talks about the importance of trusting God (I mentioned how much the book encouraged me in this area here). When we are truly thankful for all that He has given and when we realize that all good gifts come from Him and that He knows our every need then we really don't need to worry any more.
I really, really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to reading it all over again! I highly recommend it to you if you would like to live life more fully!
Disclaimer: I was given this book for purposes of reviewing but all thoughts are my own.
I am so thankful to God for my good health!
I'm so thankful that Jesus came into my life and saved me!
I give praise and glory to the Holy Spirit for indwelling me!
I'm grateful for:
1. my family
2. friends who have joined me in a 5-week spiritual/fitness challenge
3. the opportunity for a "girl's only" crafting weekend coming up
I'm a follower of your blog (GFC and RSS)
I have just started reading Ann's blog a month or two ago and love it as well! 1. I'm thankful for a weekend full of family and friends and birthday celebrations!
2. I'm thankful that Teagan's arm is just sprained and not broken.
3. I'm thankful for the seasons and how God has made them each wonderful in their own way!
I'm a follower of your blog.
Today I'm thankful for...
1. a day less stressful but busy
2. God's timing and answers to a certain prayer
3. my husband taking care of our family
piano mom 02 at g mail
My email is reneerr at hotmail
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