This week I thought it would be fun to join in on the Sew Mama Sew Blog's giveaway day. I planned to get the post up on Monday but then we ended up needing to push really hard to get some flooring done at our house as the cabinets were coming (they are going in this morning!) and so we have put in some late nights and hard working days and blogging really took a back burner. I will post about flooring soon but meanwhile I decided to still go ahead and join in the giveaway at this late date.
Last week at our homeschool group I had fun teaching how to make some Birch Bark art made in an Ojibwe (native american tribe from our state) style. They also remind me of Scandinavian decorations. Whatever the origin- I had fun making them in my own particular style. I hope to share some other creations later but just now I am offering for somebody to win some birch heart hangers. Two are pictured here but I will be sending the winner 5 of them. These are around 4 inches wide and could be used as ornaments on a Christmas tree or you can hang them in your window or whatever you want to do with them.
We are blessed with a lot of birch trees on our property and we had to cut a few down when getting ready to build our house and so I have a good supply of birchbark to work with and I thought it would be fun to make something to share with you.
To enter to win this giveaway please:

Last week at our homeschool group I had fun teaching how to make some Birch Bark art made in an Ojibwe (native american tribe from our state) style. They also remind me of Scandinavian decorations. Whatever the origin- I had fun making them in my own particular style. I hope to share some other creations later but just now I am offering for somebody to win some birch heart hangers. Two are pictured here but I will be sending the winner 5 of them. These are around 4 inches wide and could be used as ornaments on a Christmas tree or you can hang them in your window or whatever you want to do with them.
We are blessed with a lot of birch trees on our property and we had to cut a few down when getting ready to build our house and so I have a good supply of birchbark to work with and I thought it would be fun to make something to share with you.
To enter to win this giveaway please:
- Leave a comment telling me about a nature craft you have had fun making or any other thoughts or ideas about creating things from nature.
- If you would like a second chance to win please become a follower of my blog and leave me a comment telling me that you have done so.
- Please leave your e-mail so that I will be able to contact you should you be the winner of our random drawing.
This giveaway will be open through Sunday (midnight) and I will contact you right away and get your gift out to you right away next week.

My friends and I have made many pine cone wreaths. We used pine cones from our trees and found other dried pods to put on top.
When we were young my mom and aunt would also make wreaths with pine cones and acorns. I haven't really crafted with nature. My granddaughter and I did make a snowman a few weeks ago and used dried flowers from the garden for some of his embellishments.
My Mum had us collect pine cones for months - we spray painted them and attached silk flowers to use them as place decorations at a retirees Christmas party! Lots of fun
I like playing with acron tops, like adding them to felted balls/acorn bodies!
I haven't made any this year, but in previous years I have made mini Christmas tree ornaments using cinnamon quills or sticks glued together. :)
twocheekymonkeys at live dot com
I like to dry herbs for seasonings and medicine. Not too crafty with making them into decorations. :/
brooke at richardchurch dot com
I am a follower with GFC.
brooke at richardchurch dot com
These are beautiful! Each Christmas I love to see what you and your family make.
We love to make painted pinecones. Ever since I was a little girl I have loved painting them and putting them out for the winter.
Also, a favorite nature craft of years past, was one year my sister (maybe at the time 8 or so) forgot to get our Dad a father's day gift so she glued a bunch of sticks to a piece of paper that said "I love Dad" It still hangs in Dad's garden shed.
We make a lot of different kinds of lavender sachets.....perhaps this is garden, not nature.
Leaf rubbings?
t_ktl at
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t_ktl at
We used to make ornaments from half of a walnut shell, turning them into "mouse cradles" with flour dough mice and yarn. I loved those!
I follow you with pinterest. Your birch ornaments are beautiful!
We like making bird seed ornaments and hanging them on our trees. It is fun to watch the birds enjoy them! Thanks for offering this giveaway!
I follow your getting your posts in my inbox! Thank you again for offering this giveaway. :)
we used a downed cherry tree trunk cut into 1 inch sections to nail to a wall for interest. It is very pretty.
I am a new follower
I just love these. We do not have burch trees in my part of California and I do love them having grown up with t hem all around in Mass.
I've asked my dad for tree trunk 'slices' to use as coasters, trivets, chalkboards, etc. I love displaying nature in my home. I have pine cones everywhere! I will cut some holly branches to tuck into bowls closer to Christmas.
I use blogger dashboard to follow you.
My kids and I have made picture frames using twigs we find while walking.
detroitgirl77 AT gmail DOT com
I follow your blog via bloglovin
detroitgirl77 AT gmail DOT com
A couple that come to mind are: dipping pinecones in melted beeswax and giving a basket of them as a gift of firestarters; collecting gumnuts (? those round prickly seed pods), spritzing them with a touch of metallic paint or glitter and hanging them as Christmas ornaments; creating a "self-portrait" doll out of only things found on a walk in a state park where our retreat center was located. I would absolutely love your bark ornaments. I'd love some bark and instructions along with them! Very creative.
I forgot to add my e-mail and cannot figure out how to edit my comment.
I haven't made any nature crafts for a while. Now that my daughter is getting older we'll have to try some. I did see a really cute idea this morning - pinecones dipped in green paint to look like a tree and then topped with a star. Simple but adorable.
I also follow your blog (GFC and RSS feed)
I've made wreaths using dried flowers and other natural materials.
lflemin at msn dot com
I like the idea of crafting from nature. I've made things with food before, not really wood though. It would be fun to experiment. holli.gorveatt(at)comcast(dot)net
I enjoyed making a pine cone wreath. It lasts for such a long time!
following you on pinterest
I love letting my kids collect objects outside and then using clear contact paper to make place mats.
I am a new blog follower.
I make fire starters with pine cones and lint and dip them in candle wax. The kidlets and I made leaf people puppets. The hearts are gorgeous day
I do some gardening volunteering and several years ago we had two neat crafts we did with kids;
(1) with some old fence boards we cut short lengths, and glued old seed packets on them for a decorative walk hanging. I added a hook to one to make a key hanger.
(2) there are wooden forms that can be used to make paper pots that can be used to make paper pots for seed starting...great for planting with kids and letting them take home a planted seed.
I am a new follower via Feedly
My sons and I used thistle heads to make prickly bear ornaments.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
I am a blog follower.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
Painted pinecones; autumn leaves decoupaged on clear glass jars & used as candle holders; leaves & flower petals pressed in photo frames to make word art... those are just a few of the nature crafts I've done in the past.
I really enjoy using items from nature in my crafting. Most of all because the materials are free, but also because I love decorating simply & naturally.
Your birch ornaments are beautiful!
I follow your blog via e-mail, and have done so for 5 years maybe. It's one of my absolute favorites!
I've sent you an e-mail with my own e-mail address in the subject line.
Excited to be the winner. Thanks
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