Monday, September 19, 2011

Harvesting at my parents place

 Last week we had scheduled a day to help my parents butcher chickens but when frost was predicted for that night my parents asked if we wanted to help harvest the produce instead. They have several large gardens and lots and lots of produce. We had fun going out and helping and they shared a bunch with us too. Here are some photos of that day.
The boys and I went to work picking green beans and got close to 5 gallons.
They planted the climbing bean named "Blue Lake". It is a very nice producer and very yummy.
Aaron is a good bean snapper. We canned around 7 quarts and then had quite a bit left to eat fresh. (Mom and Dad sent home that whole picking with us, they had already frozen a bunch and already given us and others a bunch as well.)
 This is one of the many, many tomatoes that Dad picked.
 Mara had fun picking grapes.

The grapes are a northern variety so it is smaller and tarter than normal grapes but it makes a yummy juice!
 Mara took all the stems off and also got rid of all the moldy grapes that were in there. My parents have had troubles with the grapes molding lately. They think maybe they need to have a better support system for the grapes so they aren't so bunched together.
I canned a gallon (I found these fun 1/2 gallon canning jars at Mom and Dad's too) of grape juice. I sweetened it with honey. It was pretty yummy so we drank a bunch too. We also have some juice set aside for making jelly with.

 While we were there Dad picked 5, 5 gallon buckets full of corn which we then husked, cooked and cut off the cob to put in the freezer. That wasn't all their corn, they were really blessed with a good crop this year. They blessed us with a bunch of meals worth to put in our freezer.

Harvest time is working time but it is a time when we feel overwhelmed with God's blessings.

I just thought I would share some of the projects I am working on too:

 My ski hat is close to completion. I think it will be fun to wear this winter.

While we were camping this weekend a bunch of people were having fun carving things (You should see my younger brother carve- he is good at it!) and I remembered that I was wanting more wooden spoons. I decided to give it a try. I am not very good at it and I am not done yet either but I have made progress. I don't think it will look very professional but I think it will be fun to stir up bread with something that I made from an old tree limb.

What sort of homesteading things have you been doing?


Niki said...

For us, it's been canning, picking, canning, picking lately! Especially with our apples, as our apple trees went crazy this year!

faith | brochure templates said...

Someone's envious in here, ME! Looks like you had so much fun over the weekend. I really wish I could spend that time with my family, I've been missing them a lot. That was a lot of corn, you really have lotsa blessings.

Maria said...

Wow, what a farm your parents have. You are blessed! Enjoy the fruits of your labor all winter long!!

Nola said...

I've been working dehyrdating apples and making apple sauce out of 2 bushels we were given from someone at my husband's work. Our trees hardly produced this year and what they did produce are VERY wormy and unusable. So it was nice to have these ones. We also have peppers to freeze (a great deal at the grocery store...a bushel for $10 which is very cheap for here).

I planted those same pole beans this year and they did very very well. I froze a lot of them and ate some. Very good tasting. They did well in our zone 2/3 as well which I think is similar to your zone.

Intentional Living Homestead said...

Oh what a beautiful bounty.

God's blessings poured upon you.


Unknown said...

Hi Abbi! A while back you entered for free advertising on my blog. I couldn't find an e-mail address on here, but wanted to let you know you won a spot for October!
E-mail me benandkelli01 at aol dotcom for more info!


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