Saturday, January 14, 2012

Consider it Joy!

I have long wanted to memorize a book of the Bible both because I think Bible memory is very important and because it sounded like a fun challenge to see if I could do a whole book. Last Sunday at church some friends and I were discussing Bible memory (they are both really good at doing it!) and when we discussed memorizing a book all of us had been thinking (already) about doing the book of James. So knowing that we would be able to encourage each other I decided to actually go ahead and get started!

James is a great book of practical advice for living. If you haven't read it before or lately I would recommend it- it doesn't take very long as there are only 5 short chapters.

The second verse in James 1 says:

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,"

Have you ever found that to be a bit (or a lot!) challenging? I have!

But this scripture goes onto say that testing of your faith will develop perseverance, which will help you mature and be complete not lacking anything. Trials will help us to grow!

This made my think about how Children love their birthdays. That is a milestone of the growing that they are doing and they are excited about growing. Growing isn't always easy either physically or spiritually but it is worth it. I am hoping that I can learn to rejoice in trials with the realization that God is helping me to grow.


Rebecca said...

I have been captivated by how well my Daughter can memorize scripture...I struggle to memorize one verse a week....I can't wait to read how you accomplish this!

Emily said...

A friend and I started memorizing Colossians in July. We say 2 verses each week, some weeks 3 verses.

The book of James is probably one of my favorite books of the Bible! I started memorizing it a long time ago, but only got started on chapter 3, then never got back to it. :( I think maybe I'll do that after Colossians is finished. Future plans . . . :)

In my junior and senior years of high school I memorized Proverbs, then John (it was for ACE's International Student Conventions). A chapter a week was hard! I know I couldn't do that these days, but it was something I'm glad I did then! John was way harder than Proverbs.

Anyway, you CAN do it!
Blessings! :)

Anonymous said...


I went to a Christian school and my senior year I had to memorize the book of James!! So it can be done!! I don't remember it word-for-word now, but if something is quoted from it I recognize it as being in there. :)


Abbi said...

Thank you all for your encouragement! I am having the kids work on the book to as our best routine for memorizing is to work on things together at the beginning of our schoolday. I have also been working on saying the part I know of it as well as the other chapters that I know while I take my shower and today while I was mopping.


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