The above picture is an example of how sweetly this book is put together.
Here is a quote and a poem from the book that I really like.....
"When you help someone up a hill,
you get that much closer to the top yourself."
you get that much closer to the top yourself."
The Helping Hand
If when climbing up life's ladder
You can reach a hand below,
Just to help the other fellow
Up another rung, or so,
Up another rung, or so,
It may be that in the future,
When you're growing weary, too,
You'll be glad to find there's someone
Who will lend a hand to you.
-Author Unknown
When I first saw this book available for review I thought it might be a neat one to use in my preschool class at church to teach a series on friendship. After getting the book I decided it wouldn't work so well for that. It does have pictures that the kids would enjoy and there are some Bible verses that I could use with them but most of the quotes and poems are above them. This book is the fun type of book to have on your coffee table or to give to a friend - like a really big card. Megan had lots of fun looking through it the other day and being inspired by it for creating her own art.
Do you enjoy Mary Engelbreit's art? What do you look for most in a friend? I always love hearing from you!
Disclaimer: I received this book free from booklook blogger for purposes of reviewing it. The thoughts expressed in this post are my own.
I used to really enjoy Mary Engelbreit's art. I was rather enthralled with it, actually. I enjoy making my own cards and would often incorporate her artwork (cut from calendars, books or other greeting cards) into my own cards, copying her borders and accents and drawing them on the cards and envelopes.
The main thing I look for in a friend? Someone who is REAL. Honest, genuine, and not afraid to share their struggles. Vulnerability about their marriage and walk with the Lord. A handful of sweet faces come to mind even as I type those words...
It is fun to hear that you have enjoyed Mary Engelbreit's art as well.
Thanks for sharing what you look for in a friend. I agree that those are some wonderful qualities.
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