We were have trouble with having rips in the side (sometimes right on the "seam") and also the plastic ripping away from the elastic. I discovered it works just fine to sew them on the sewing machine. For the ripped sides I just put the two right sides together and took a narrow straight stitch seam. For the elastic problem I pulled the elastic out until it was as big as the plastic part and then using a zig-zap stitch I sewed them together. If it doesn't make sense from what I have written, maybe the picture will. If you have questions, feel free to ask in the comments.
I am glad to be able to avoid buying something else, especially as we hope to have Megan potty trained and all done with them before long anyway. I also thought about using a plastic bag and an iron and mending ripped places that way but I haven't. Has anybody else tried that?
For more tips visit BeCentsAble.
hello addi my name is peter i have just seen your sit 4 the 2 time i love to read the storys in there and have a look at the photos there i see that you are in the usa i am from sydney australia i have been trying to find some 1 to make some plastic pants 4 me after reading your story on fixing plastic pants i thourgh i would send you the leter to ask you if you could make me some plastic pants 4 me ok i can not find any body here in sydney to do that ok so if you can do this for me please send me a messge to my email ok it is peterk20@optusnet.com.au and i will send you my meserments ok and i will send you the plastic ok thak you addi by now from peter.
Sustain the pleasing text, went ahead and added to my personal ie rss.
Hi,my 16 year old daughter is a bedwetter and wears a thick cloth diaper and rubberpants[plasticpants] to bed every night and when the rubberpants start to rip or tear,i use the glue called VLP and it is just made for vinyl products.It works great and forms a strong bond and dries in 3 hours and even stronger over night.when the rips get to big,i just buy her new rubberpants.
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