A tale of two shirts....
Ken had these two shirts but they both developed holes in them and weren't easily mended and didn't work for him anymore. I thought had neat colors and fabric and thought it would be fun to do something with them so I...
Turned them into a skirt for Mara. It was rather fun figuring out how to creatively use up most all of the fabric so we had enough. I also decided to add a large piece of cream rick rack that I had (I think it was from Grandma.) and then put the buttons from the shirt on top of the rick rack. In the end Mara had a nice comfortable skirt that was
definitely an original. :-)
Saving 2 shirts from the trash to create a free skirt is my
Thrifty Green Thursday activity. I also lately made a skirt from old jeans but I failed to get a picture yet so that will have to be a post another day.
What a GREAT idea! We have a ton of shirts around here that could be used in that way. I've been saving them for a quilt. But a skirt is another great way. Thank you for sharing this.
VERY cool!!!!! Way to go!!!
I just left a comment but I think it didn't work. So sorry if I say this twice: that skirt turned out really well! And it's truly a green project when you're able to take something old and make it functional again.
I bow before your seamstress skills! Part of me would relish the opportunity to design a garment out of an existing piece of clothing--but the other (much larger) part of me knows I still need more time behind the sewing machine before I could ever successful attempt such a feat. Good for you! Thanks for joining us this week for Thrifty Green Thursday!
Very cute...I'm linking this. :)
Thanks everybody!
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